Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Slug = Wonderful?

You were hanging outside with Papa Harold and Titan. When you came back in you said to me, "Mom, we saw a slug outside!"

I said, "Eww!!"

You looked at me and said, "No, mom, it's not eww. It was wonderful."

Hehe you are so cute and I love the different words you use. :)

FYI, you do think that cockroaches and lizards are eww though!

Monday, April 23, 2012

It's been so long...

since mommy updated this blog, Trenton. I'm sorry.

I will do my best to update this more often, so that you have a lot more to read about your childhood.

A lot has changed in the past year. We are now living back in Hawaii with mama and papa in Ewa Beach.

You are about to turn 4 years old in a week and a half. You are STILL obsessed with Thomas the Train. Mommy is currently pregnant with your first little sister and you constantly ask me when she is going to come out. I hope she shows her face soon!

You can recite all of your alphabets, count up to 12, know all of your shapes and colors, can write some letters, and can draw really well especially trains!

You are very funny and make us laugh constantly. The other day out loud when we were eating, you said, "I have doodoo powers!" haha.

You like to sing and hum songs and you make up your own lyrics too.

You are currently a really big boy at 43 in. tall and 63 lbs!

Keep being you, son. I love you!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Crazy Boy

Trenton, you are currently 30 months old and are a very crazy little boy! You are definitely the one keeping mommy and daddy busy. You love your brothers so much. You always wrestle with them and love Titan. Titan thinks you are so funny and you always make him laugh. You love when mommy sings songs to you and you like to watch cartoons with Tayven.

You are obsessed with Thomas the Train. Every time we go to Walmart and we pass something that has Thomas on it, you will scream for it. You have pajamas, outfits, and toys that are Thomas. You also have Thomas DVD's.

Today we went out and played in the snow. It was just you, Titan, and I. You two had a blast. You kept grabbing snow and throwing it around. You threw it at cars and even at me! You've been completely potty training for over 3 months now. You talk a lot now and in sentences. You know shapes and colors.

We love you son,

Mommy & Daddy

Monday, October 4, 2010

Trenton Timo-Wesley Teofilo


These letters are for you. They are for you to read when you are older. You can look back and see how you were as a child, know how much mom, dad, and your siblings loved you, and see how things were for you during these times.We really hope you enjoy these entries and appreciate this gift. We love you very much, son.

Mom and Dad